Ukraine Recovery Conference started in Lugano


Ukraine and Switzerland have joined forces to start the recovery of Ukraine’s economy. The conference in Lugano plays a key role in the international political process.

The URC2022 conference is designed to start discussions on the following topics:

  • The Recovery and Development Plan of Ukraine (within United 24 initiative of President Zelenskyy) and different contributions of international partners for the recovery of Ukraine.
  • The methods, priorities and principles of recovery.
  • Social, economic, environmental and infrastructure recovery from damages and losses caused by the war.
  • Reforms that are possible or necessary to implement in the current situation.

Participants will be leading Ukrainian businessmen and experts from around the world. Igor Liski, founder and chairman of the supervisory board of EFI Group, is also a speaker at the conference. During the event, the leading projects of the holding and the main strategies of business development in Ukraine will be presented.

CEO Club Ukraine became a partner and organizer of the hub for discussing trends in the economy and the role of Ukrainian business in further plans for the country’s recovery.