The annual general meeting of the members of the Wholesale Electricity Market of Ukraine has traditionally passed in early February in Kyiv. The company “Energy of Ukraine” is a member of the WEM, therefore our employees have heard a report on the activities of SE “Energorynok” for 2017.
The state enterprise Energorynok during the reporting year 2017 provided the functioning of the Wholesale Electricity Market of Ukraine. In particular, it planned the operation of the UES of Ukraine, formed the prices and distribution of loads, and also created a balance of electricity and payment calculations. Among other things, the company distributed funds from the account with a special regime for the use of the wholesale supplier, purchased and sold energy, and also led the accounting of resources.
Participants of the Wholesale Market were presented volumes of power generation by power plants of Ukraine for 2016-2017 years. Thus, the main part of the electricity in 2017 (99.19%), as in 2016 (98.94%) was created by manufacturers working in the WEM.
The full report filed at the meeting can be found online at the company’s website. Also, with the zeal of improving the new market of electric energy, the site “Coordination center for ensuring the introduction of a new market of electric energy” was created. The site covers the center work and its working groups.