
We are glad to welcome you to the official site of our company and to present you the most complete information about the activity of our enterprises!

I believe that the world changes us and for sure, we change the world. With every decision we make, with every small step. But how to make the right move to create an idea and implement it effectively?

We made a decision and chose our top-priority: we invest in modern technologies, newest equipment, natural, high quality product. Growth of the international image of our country and Ukrainian export are highly important for us, so with dedicated and
professional specialists we create unique projects, find the right solutions, improve our technologies and processes.

I do believe that we are creating successful group of business,
because our achievements define the success of the country. Making our companies prosperous, we transform Ukraine and make it thrive. We are open to all new, but securely protect our own values. Cooperation with Effective Investments Group is always the right decision. We generate ideas, implement effective solutions – we create the future.

Igor Liski

Founder and chairman of the supervisory board EFI Group


Olga Batova


Olena Gvozdenko

Executive Director

Lina Antonets

Director of Legal Affairs

Anastasiia Vasina

Consultant to the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board on Economic Affairs

Samvel Ramazyan