Zhytomyr Cardboard Factory is one of the three leaders in the production of tuberous gaskets for eggs, paper, cardboard, corrugated board and corrugated packaging in Eastern Europe and the CIS.
The modern equipment and innovative technologies make possible to produce 240 million units of cast containers, 75 thousand tons of paper and 24 million square meters of corrugated packaging per year. The plant produces: egg trays, paper, cardboard, corrugated board and corrugated packaging. The company manufactures corrugated cardboard, which is the basis for the production of environmentally friendly packaging and individual packaging for many industries. The plant’s products are in demand in 35 countries.
The company provides complete quality control at all stages of production. To create an environmentally friendly product, safe raw materials are used, which undergo detailed testing and the necessary cleaning. Strict control of all processes prevents the formation of toxic waste.
The environmental management system operating at the enterprise complies with the requirements of the international standards ІSO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, FSC-STD-40-004 (V3-0), ISO 19011. The plant is also certified for compliance with the food safety management system standard FSSC 22000