The thanksgiving campaign to the Day of Defenders of Ukraine


The thanksgiving campaign is dedicated to the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, which is celebrated on October 1. By Defender’s Day, director Lubomyr Levytskyi, with the support of businessman Ihor Liski, the investment company EFI Group and partners, shot a video to show the daily feat of soldiers of the airborne assault troops.

The call to thank everyone who joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine and defends our land was supported by caring Ukrainians. You can congratulate the defenders by posting a post and an emotional video about the feat of the fighters in your social networks.

“Thousands of families today are waiting for their father, son, brother, husband to return home. But they are always close even when far away! And this two-minute work is just a small reminder of that, and a gesture of thanks to the heroes! Making videos today is completely different than before the war. There are no “cinematic” weapons or stuntmen in the video. Today we work with real heroes and deal with reality. It is a unique experience for me as a director to capture the story!”noted Lyubomyr Levytskyi.

According to Igor Liski, respect for the military is decisive for our society and the formation of a new vision of the country. It is the people who protect the country from the aggressor, change our future and form a strong state.

“I am convinced that it will be difficult for each of us to find the right words. And how can ordinary words convey respect, admiration and love? On the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, I urge you to thank everyone who protects our lives. Warriors deserve support, because they tirelessly fight for freedom, love and life,shared Igor Liski, founder of EFI Group.

The thanksgiving campaign will have no time limits.