The Forest Technology plant was restored after rocket attacks


A wood processing enterprise in the Zhytomyr region came under massive rocket fire from the occupiers in the spring. The enterprise, which processes about 35 thousand cubic meters of wood per year, was completely stopped. Every production shop was affected, and the fuel pellet production shop was almost completely destroyed.

The company’s investors have invested over 12 million hryvnias to restore production. Having financed the repair work with their own funds, the owners of the plant employed 120 workers.

“Understanding the importance of the enterprise for our region and the country’s economy, we decided to invest our own funds to restore the plant. Dare to do this is not easy, because the scale of the destruction was huge. In addition to recovery time, significant funds and rudimentary logistical capabilities were required for delivery. War is a global challenge. I am convinced that everyone must take responsibility and set a worthy example,” said Igor Liski, the majority investor of the Forest Technology plant.

5 months after the rockets hit the factory, the drying shop, boiler room, wood sawing shop were restored, and work began on the repair of office premises and the pellet shop. Among other things, a new drying drum, repaired granulators, hammer crushers, auger, conveyors, metal structures and hoppers were installed.

A significant part of the work was carried out on the restoration of metal structures, in particular the frames of workshops and the roof. All the electrical wiring of the enterprise burned down and needed to be replaced. Currently, the system of cable and conductor products and switchboard management has been updated. A comprehensive approach to repair work at the enterprise allows us to predict the full launch of the plant already in the first decade of November.

Ukraine is a leader among suppliers of fuel pellets for the world’s leading markets. It is Ukrainian pellets that are an important element in bioenergetics. In particular, the Forest Technology plant has the capacity to produce more than 900 tons of pellets per month. The company’s products are certified according to EN+ (A1) norms, which allows their export. That is why the full-fledged operation of the plant creates the basis for the economic independence of the region and the country.

Informational reference

Forest Technology is a Ukrainian manufacturer and exporter of lumber, sawn timber and fuel pellets from pine. Production processes of Forest Technology are certified by Eurocert. The company belongs to the EFI Group investment holding.